Eco-Friendly Disposable Food Packaging

Eco Catering Equipment is your dedicated supplier for an extensive range of eco friendly food packaging. Embrace sustainability without compromising on quality with our diverse products, featuring leading brands and eco friendly designs.

Our range includes compostable sandwich bags that offer a sustainable alternative for food packaging on the go, made from eco friendly materials that will break down naturally. Or, with compostable glassine hot bags, you can keep your hot cuisine fresh while prioritising the environment.

We also stock recycled paper bags, combining functionality with eco friendly packaging. Crafted with recycled materials, these are an excellent choice if you're seeking to service both your customers and the planet. You can also showcase your salads, salads, and other meals with salad and sandwich packs with windows, or deli pots made from recycled plastic, all of which maintain freshness while helping to protect the environment.

Our eco-friendly disposable food packaging category features compostable and recyclable products from industry-leading brands like Colpac, Vegware, and Faerch. Perfect for restaurants, bars, and cafes, our packaging options are both environmentally friendly and durable, ensuring that your food stays fresh and protected while also reducing your carbon footprint.

Choose from a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles to fit your needs and join us in our mission to create a more sustainable future:

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Our biodegradable food packaging solutions help keep food fresh and keep the planet safe. With biodegradable packaging, you can ensure the materials return to nature without leaving a lasting environmental footprint.

With a brand range including Colpac, Vegware, and Faerch, your business can serve consumers with an assurance of both quality and recyclable food packaging. Known for their commitment to quality and the environment, products from these brands are crafted from industrially compostable and reused materials, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Make a conscious choice to invest in eco friendly food packaging from Eco Catering Equipment. Whether you're running a cafe, restaurant, deli, or catering service, our range offers versatile and sustainable packaging. Shop now and join the movement towards a greener, more sustainable food industry.

Frequently Asked Questions About Eco Friendly Packaging

Does eco friendly food packaging reduce carbon footprint?

Conventional packaging often involves the use of non-biodegradable materials like plastic, contributing to environmental pollution and depletion of resources. In contrast, recyclable packaging utilises sustainable materials that have a lower environmental impact. These materials often require fewer resources to produce, generate fewer greenhouse gases, and break down quicker. Your business can easily reduce their carbon footprint through switching to recyclable containers.

What is the most biodegradable food packaging?

The most biodegradable packaging often comes from materials that break down naturally and quickly, with a minimal environmental impact. Industrially compostable plastics, paper, and cardboard all support a more sustainable future.

Is bamboo packaging expensive?

The cost of bamboo packaging can vary based on factors such as the type of product and the production process. Bamboo is a high renewable resourcing, meaning it can protect the environment along with other plant based materials sourced from sustainable providers.