A recent study of over 3,000 people by Jury’s Inn Hotel Group has revealed that two thirds of British holidaymakers will be opting for UK staycations rather than foreign holidays this year, as they feel they offer better value for money and work out cheaper than holidaying abroad.

It is fair to say that a lot of families are still finding finances tight, that combined with the ever tightening rules on taking children out of school in term time and the massive rise in flight and holiday prices in the school holidays has meant that more UK families are looking to staycations as the best option – especially when you consider the beautiful beaches and countryside the UK has to offer.

Top of a recent survey for increase in UK visitor numbers was Cornwall who have seen a 16% increase in visitors since 2010 , 2nd was London followed by the Lake district in 3rd , Yorkshire Dales in 4th and Bournemouth in 5th. It is estimated that UK travellers spent £56 million in 2014.

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