Watch out Scammers about !
A warning has recently been released by the FFA (Financial Fraud Action UK) advising restaurants and consumers to be extra vigilant as a new scam sweeps London and the South East targeting small restaurants.

The scam involves fraudsters calling restaurants posing as bank staff who claim that there is a problem with their card systems for processing payment. The fraudsters ask the managers to re-direct all payments through a certain phone number for authorisation.

When the restaurant staff then call this number to process the payment the fraudsters ask to speak to the cardholder to go through their security questions, once all the security questions have been covered the fraudsters tell the restaurant that the payment has been authorised and to process as normal.

Once the fraudsters have the customers security details they will then call the customers bank posing as them and try to transfer money out of their account into their own accounts using the obtained security answers.

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